
Gallbladder surgery

Surgical removal of the gallbladder, usually because of the presence of stones and inflammation. Classical cholecystectomy is performed under general anesthesia, using an incision along the right rib. In the great majority of cases, we use laparoscopy to carry out cholecystectomy, making use of the latest laparoscopy techniques. Several small incisions are made in the abdominal wall to allow surgical instruments to be inserted into the abdominal cavity which are controlled externally. Events are followed on a monitor whose picture comes from a small camera introduced into the abdominal cavity.

Surgical technique – first gall bladder duct preparation (ductus choledochus) is performed. It is then ligated, followed by preparation of the gallbladder artery (arteria cystica), which is also tied (secured with clips). Final removal of the gallbladder is done using blunt dissection, electrocoagulation or ultrasonic dissection of the liver bed. The latest ultrasound scalpel methodology is used in laparoscopic cholecystectomy as a matter of course.

Duration of surgery: 30–60 minutes
Length of hospital stay: 3–4 days